Well, it was good to get back on the back, but it wasn't the best two days, grayness, wetness, and dirt roads. I biked 78 miles though to Otter Falls Cutoff. The scenery was mostly hidden by fog and clouds though.
There was one quite amusing bit though . . . I was on a stretch of dirt road. I look in my side view mirror, and there's a van approaching with its sliding door open! I look to my left . . . And, it's Paddy leaning out the side to give me a high five! We exchanged a few sentences and found they weren't going that far that day. I meant to make it the dozen extra miles to meet up with them, but it was pouring by the time I got to my original destination, so I didn't. Oh, a good 15 minutes after Paddy's van passed, i heard a shout on another dirt section. Lo an behold! It was the second half of the Grizzly Road Trip, the van i had traveled in. They got a pic of me riding my bike. Hopefully, i can share that soon. Set myself up with a nice bandit camp and wound up just staying their 2 nights, cause it kept raining on day 2. Breaking down camp in the rain is not my favorite. Staying in a cozy tent with some good books on my kindle seemed like a better use of my time.
Well, I'm going to try to make Congdon Creek for day 27.
It has been quite the majestic adventure. The hand is mostly good now. Hope everything is good with you and the incubating. Congrats, by the way.